Dogs, coyotes and wolves are related and all three groups are social and use a similar form of communication: howling, barking and growling. At least once a day, usually mid-morning, the City of Folsom is treated with all of the above.
Dogs have a wider range of hearing than humans: they hear both higher-pitched and lower-pitched sounds better than we do.
Wolves usually live in packs of relatives and they howl together. Some think they may be telling other wolves that the animals in the pack are healthy, active, and still roam in a certain territory. A wolf separated from the pack will howl to find relatives.
Monogamous coyotes are one of the world’s most adaptable animals. For example, it’s possible that the bigger Eastern coyotes have inbred with wolves. Our Western coyotes, of course, are exceptionally good looking, but smaller. These coyotes are monogamous and in the wild generally live six to eight years. Not having to forage for themselves, usually Zoo animals live substantially longer.