Cat & Bear


Note:  We lost our older bears, Sequoia and Tahoe, in 2021 due to age related issues.  We lost our beloved feral cat, Little Bear, in 2023.

Some years ago a black cat moved in with bears Sequoia and Tahoe. The cat pretty much ignored female Tahoe, but apparently the female cat, now called Little Bear by a Zookeeper, is working to becoming male bear Sequoia’s new best friend. Often when Sequoia takes a hike through the “bear forest” his cat friend walks with him. She rubs against walls and visitors can hear her raspy purr from quite a distance.

Not long ago the bears received a donation of elk meat. It’s no surprise that Little Bear cat joined the big bears for a snack. When she first “moved” to the Zoo, Little Bear apparently was living on rodents, etc. Now she receives a little bowl of canned cat food at feeding time.

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